Now you will be able to get your very own T-shirts, mugs, caps and other items with your favourite game's iconic three-bullet logo! We will be adding more items upon demand. You can also customize and make your own designs for your team or family.
The shop is powered by Spreadshirt and is available in several languages. FrozenSand will use all proceeds from the shop for the game we love.
The UCL just opened it's signups for the 49th edition of their 1on1 Cup series. The cup will begin Monday, Aug. 9th.
New rule, new supervisor!
Since the UCL suffered from delays during the cups and a lack of supervisors they recently extended their staff and set a default matchday which will be the deadline as well. Feel free to play your match even earlier.
Basic rules
As usual it's a best of 3 maps, 10 minutes per map. Beside their standard map pool you can also play ut4_prominence and ut4_killroom. But you can play any map you want and even have some friends in sub as long as your opponent agrees.
• Signups: Fri, Jul 24th - Sat, Aug 1st
• First Matchweek: Mon, Aug 3rd - Sun, Aug 9
• Default matchday: Sunday, 20:00 Cest
Information: Visit the cup page for signups and further information.
UrTLA is the oldest and most active Latino American competition for Urban Terror. You don't have to be American, anybody is invited to join and play! Match days:
Sundays @ 10pm (GMT-3): CTF - 5v5. Thursdays @ 10:30pm (GMT-3): TS - 5v5. If both teams agree, they can play on another day.
FrozenSand is pleased to announce that Urban Terror 4.3 will include a new gametype called Gun Game.
You are against everybody and everybody is against you. All players start with the same weapon. Every time you kill an opponent you switch to a new weapon and your level goes up. Your goal is to be the first player to kill with the knife as your only weapon at the highest level.
In Hardcore mode the order of weapons is inversed. When a player with a lower rank kills you, you are demoted a level.
g_gametype "11" // set gametype Gun Game g_hardcore "0" // normal mode g_hardcore "1" // hardcore mode
Weapon Order
Normal Mode
Hardcore Mode
Special Kills
Boots, Curb Stomp, Suicide, Being-killed-by-a-lower-level-attacker, and the Final kill.
Special Kill
Normal Mode
Hardcore Mode
down 1 level
back to start
up 1 level
up 1 level
Curb Stomp
down 1 level
back to start
up 1 level
up 1 level
down 1 level
down 1 level
Killed by Lower level
no change
down 1 level
up 1 level
up 1 level
Highest Level Kill
down 1 level
down 1 level
Urban Terror 4.3 will be made available for download when it's ready... It looks like the release countdown has started!
The Urban Zone League signups for the coming season have already opened! This time it will be the 24th Capture the Flag season, the 17th Team Survivor season, and the 9th Bomb Mode season.
Like always, UZL referees will be available to answer any questions via personal message or on IRC chat #urban-zone. If you would like to assist in the competition organization, please contact an UZL admin.
To join and to find more information please visit Urban Zone.
This coming Sunday on April 12, 2015 the Finals are on deciding which Nation is best of the XVIII's NationsCup of Urban Terror hosted by the Urban Zone League.
You can follow it all Live by stream on A couple of members of the FrozenSand Development team have been invited to answer any questions about Urban Terror HD. It looks like Frankie V and Bladekiller will be available.
You can find all of this year's Nations Cup Highlights and full matches that were streamed in this playlist, including the full match of both semifinals.
If you are not aware yet, this is the engine we use for Urban Terror HD! It means that you can start mapping for Urban Terror HD now! Simply download Unreal Engine 4 and create a new map.
For the mappers interested in converting their old UrT 4.x maps to UrT HD, it's also possible. Please read this thread to get started!
We're setting up a new forum section dedicated to Urban Terror HD mapping, do not hesitate to ask for help.
We hope that you'll be as excited as we are about these news!
After their traditional winter break, UCL is now back with the 46th edition of their well known 1vs1 cups! The cup will begin Friday, March 6th, tune in as fast as you can to grab one of the few spots left to show your individual skills.
As usual it's a best of 3 maps, 10 minutes per map. Beside their standard map pool you can now also play ut4_prominence and ut4_killroom. But you can play any map you want and even have some friends in sub as long as your opponent agrees.
Visit the cup page for signups and further information.
It's been 3 months now since b00bs claimed Grand Master, winning against HasH in semis and then D&G in the final during the Master Series. While the Nations Cup is in full swing in the Urban Terror world, the Urban Zone is ready to open its signups once again for the 5th year in a row.
Season 23/16/8 promises to be another occasion that highlights the UrbanTerror competitive calendar! Signups are open now, and until 11/02/15 so make sure your team is enrolled and ready to play!
As always the Urban-Zone League welcomes new and existing teams to join their diverse roster of competitors for the upcoming season. In the best of our capacities, we hope to provide live coverage of many key games as well as prompting debate over shock results and key games from the world of UrT!
Divisions will once again be supervised by experienced league Administrators and Referees who are always willing to lend a hand and answer any questions that you may have, they can be reached via the PM function on the site, or through the Quakenet IRC channel #Urban-Zone
Leagues and Division Supervisors will be revealed in due course!
Find more informations regarding the comming season on
We are happy to announce today the release of Urban Terror 4.2.023 which is probably the last version of the "4.2 era"! This release brings some minor bugfixes in anticipation of the NationsCup.
In the coming months we will be releasing a new version called Urban Terror 4.3 with a lot of new features and enhancements. You can read more about UrT 4.3 on our blogs.
Urban Terror 4.2.023 Changelog
• Fixed strat time causing early match termination
• Added s_alttabmute CVAR to control sound when game is in background. Values are: '1' for Mute (default) or '0' to keep sounds playing when game is in background. (Windows only)
The Urban Zone KNOCKOUT tournament is back, Sunday (11-01) at 16:00 CET on If you're interested and want to read more about this event and signup visit their website.
After the event the NationsCup XVIII Group Draw will happen live, currently 17 nations have signed up. If your nation has not yet signed up you can still do so by following the information here.
We hope that you had a great time with your family over the holidays, and it's now time to bring some fresh news from Urban Terror's competitive scene. The seasonal break with the traditional winter cup will soon be over as we are starting the most important cup of the year: the Nations Cup. Once again hosted by Urban Zone, this competition will showcase the very best players from each country vying for the gold.
Last year, France won the competition, while Australia finished second and Brazil took third place over USA. Because many of last year's top players have moved away from UrT, this year's outcome could be completely different. The teams will face each other in all of the three competitive gametypes (Team Survivor, Capture the Flag, Bomb Mode) to decide which country is the best at Urban Terror.
We are currently going through the captain designation process in the UZ forums. Players are free to apply to become the captain of their country, but competition experience is of course expected. The NC staff is also looking for people ready to help in the organization (GTV cameraman, newswriter, etc).
Here is the established program of this year's Nations Cup:
• December 21 - Announcement and captain applications launched
• December 31 - End of Captain applications / Start of the captain vote stage
• January 7 - End of voting stage, captain announcement
• January 8 - Groups published
• January 18 - Start of the first match week
You can find more information on the NC in the news written on Urban Zone.
We hope that you had a great time with your family over the holidays, and it's now time to bring some fresh news from Urban Terror's competitive scene. The seasonal break with the traditional winter cup will soon be over as we are starting the most important cup of the year: the Nations Cup. Once again hosted by Urban Zone, this competition will showcase the very best players from each country vying for the gold.
Last year, France won the competition, while Australia finished second and Brazil took third place over USA. Because many of last year's top players have moved away from UrT, this year's outcome could be completely different. The teams will face each other in all of the three competitive gametypes (Team Survivor, Capture the Flag, Bomb Mode) to decide which country is the best at Urban Terror.
We are currently going through the captain designation process in the UZ forums. Players are free to apply to become the captain of their country, but competition experience is of course expected. The NC staff is also looking for people ready to help in the organization (GTV cameraman, newswriter, etc).
Here is the established program of this year's Nations Cup:
• December 21 - Announcement and captain applications launched
• December 31 - End of Captain applications / Start of the captain vote stage
• January 7 - End of voting stage, captain announcement
• January 8 - Groups published
• January 18 - Start of the first match week
You can find more information on the NC in the news written on Urban Zone.
We're pleased to announce the release 4.2.022 of Urban Terror... with a little surprise! BladeKiller worked on some special player skins that will automatically be available in-game only for Christmas (from December 22nd to December 29th). We hope that you will like them!
Among the new features, our crazy coder clearskies developed a kick-ass advanced server filter for the server browser. Check it out!
Urban Terror 4.2.022 Changelog
• New cvars to modify the text size: cg_msgSize and cg_chatSize
• Servers now issue a DNS lookup for the master server on map change
• Game clients now check for other master servers when the main one is down
• Randomized team join when all factors are equal (when the scores and numbers of players were equal, you would always be placed on the red team)
• New commands accessible through ref access: swap, pause, reload, restart, nextmap, cyclemap, map, exec, veto
• Added a g_refNoExec cvar to control referee access to the exec command
• Added primary, secondary, sidearm, grenade, and bomb arguments to ut_weapdrop#157
• Added a bot indicator and filter in the server browser menu
• Added "(next: map)" to the cyclemap vote string when g_nextmap is set
• Updated g_stratTime to not cut into play time
• Added cg_leftHand
• Improved the team scores visual in HUD
• Disabled non-numeric characters being used for colour codes (this means '^a' is not a colour anymore, but you can now use the caret in chat)
• Enabled the percent (%) character for use in chat
• Enabled the semicolon (;) character for use in chat
• Added IRC-style /me command (works in chat as well)
• Fixed the wrong time being displayed on scoreboard #47
• Fixed server command overflows during timeouts (also fixes huge demo sizes during timeouts) #163
• Fixed stupid radio menu behaviour - now only the 0-9 binds will be suppressed #3
• Suppressed hit logging if target is frozen or god #164
• Fixed reversed score order when Blue team wins #170
• Fixed missing Freeze Tag label for g_gametype votes #172
• Fixed $crosshair not working properly in some cases (and also allowed chat variables to be used when dead) #166
• Fixed most custom maps not appearing in the vote menu #167
• Fixed an exploit when spectating the referee #173
We would like to thank iynque, DragonHeart, and MrYeah for their patch submissions as well as all the people reporting bugs on our Github repository, and of course the QA team who does an excellent job!
Edit: We are aware of the bugs concerning the timeout in match mode and the negative team scores. We are working on fixing them and will do a patch release soon!
The Frozen Sand Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!